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  • Heavy Duty Type SD0104

Heavy Duty Type SD0104


Sometimes there comes a situation where we have to lift our vehicles off the ground in no man's land. These situations arise when you must change the tire or if your attention is required under your car or truck.

Not only in these situations, but auto garages and other repair firms will also often lift the vehicles to do servicing and repairs. It is their day to day job. Although they have heavy machinery which is controlled by computers, sometimes a small mechanical tool is required to do this job.

This is where the bottle jack comes handy. These hard and portable devices can lift your vehicle with ease. You do not need any sophisticated equipment, and you can use them anywhere.

SD01048T200125603855/5.2Color Box562*14.5*214200
宿州市| 义乌市| 阿巴嘎旗| 潼关县| 嘉义县| 阿克陶县| 红安县| 涿鹿县| 秦安县| 蒲城县| 奉化市| 太谷县| 衡阳市| 麻城市| 镇原县| 马鞍山市| 漯河市| 永川市| 洞头县| 丽江市| 永丰县| 保山市| 类乌齐县| 景泰县| 承德市| 大厂| 化德县| 沙田区| 贡嘎县| 江阴市| 邢台市| 丹巴县| 桐乡市| 定远县| 醴陵市| 辽阳县| 江油市| 抚宁县| 嘉禾县| 榕江县| 台北市|